19岁的Donavyn Mueller因2023年4月在威斯康辛州里彭(Ripon)发生的芬太尼过量死亡而认罪, 19-year-old Donavyn Mueller pleaded guilty to first-degree reckless homicide for a fentanyl overdose death in Ripon, Wisconsin, in April 2023.
19岁的Donavyn James Mueller对与2023年4月在威斯康辛州里彭的 芬太尼过量死亡有关的一级鲁莽杀人案认罪。 Donavyn James Mueller, 19, pleaded guilty to first-degree reckless homicide in connection with an April 2023 fentanyl overdose death in Ripon, Wisconsin. 受害者18岁,在派对上吸食毒品后死亡。 The victim, 18, died after consuming narcotics at a party. 穆勒被确定为芬太尼的来源, 并警告其他人关于其功效. Mueller was identified as the source of the fentanyl and had warned others about its potency. 他于2025年2月7日被判刑。 He faces sentencing on February 7, 2025. 另有三名共同被告被定罪,判决日期定为12月和1月。 Three other co-defendants have been convicted, with their sentencing dates set for December and January.