Xylazine是街头芬太尼的动物镇静剂,增加了孕妇和新生儿的风险,在7个月内检测率从0%上升到100%。 Xylazine, an animal tranquilizer in street fentanyl, increases risks for pregnant women and newborns, with tests rising from 0% to 100% in seven months.
Xylazine是一种混合在街头芬太尼中的动物镇静剂,对孕妇和新生儿构成严重危险。 Xylazine, an animal tranquilizer mixed into street fentanyl, poses severe risks to pregnant women and newborns. 它造成缓慢愈合的皮肤损伤,比芬太尼或海洛因更具有上瘾性,使孕妇的恢复工作复杂化。 It causes slow-healing skin lesions and is more addictive than fentanyl or heroin, complicating recovery efforts for pregnant users. 华盛顿大学圣路易斯大学的一项研究显示,在7个月内,阿片致瘾产妇的Xylazine检测呈阳性,从0%上升到100%。 A study from the University of Washington in St. Louis revealed xylazine-positive tests among opioid-addicted maternity patients rose from 0% to 100% within seven months. 公共卫生专家强调需要对其影响进行更多的研究。 Public health experts stress the need for more research on its impacts.