Radiohead 的 Thom Yorke 在亲巴勒斯坦的嘲笑者打断后离开了墨尔本的舞台。 Radiohead's Thom Yorke left Melbourne stage after a pro-Palestinian heckler interrupted.
Radiohead 的主唱汤姆·约克 (Thom Yorke) 在墨尔本的一场独奏表演中离开了舞台,因为一名亲巴勒斯坦的嘲笑者打断了他,要求他谴责加沙的暴力行为。 Thom Yorke, frontman of Radiohead, left the stage during a solo performance in Melbourne after a pro-Palestinian heckler interrupted, demanding he condemn the violence in Gaza. 约克邀请抗议者上台表达他们的观点,但最终走开了。 Yorke invited the protester to express their views on stage but ultimately walked off. 他回来完成"Karma警察". He returned to finish with "Karma Police." 此前,约克因 2017 年在特拉维夫演出而受到批评,他表示在一个国家演出并不等同于支持其政府。 This incident follows criticism Yorke faced for performing in Tel Aviv in 2017, where he stated that playing in a country doesn't equate to endorsing its government.