Ganiyat Popoura博士在尼日利亚被绑架10个月后获释,没有支付赎金。 Ophthalmology registrar Dr. Ganiyat Popoola released after 10-month abduction in Nigeria, no ransom paid.
Ganiyat Popoola博士是卡杜纳的眼科登记官,在被关押10个月后获释。 Dr. Ganiyat Popoola, a Kaduna-based ophthalmology registrar, has been released after 10 months of captivity. 2023年12月,她与丈夫和侄子一起被绑架;她的丈夫早些时候被释放。 She was abducted in December 2023 alongside her husband and nephew; her husband was released earlier. 尼日利亚住院医生协会确认释放她,指出没有支付赎金。 The Nigerian Association of Resident Doctors confirmed her release, noting no ransom was paid. 她的案件突显了尼日利亚针对保健工作者的暴力不断上升的情况,促使人们呼吁加强医疗专业人员的安全措施。 Her case highlights the rising violence against healthcare workers in Nigeria, prompting calls for increased safety measures for medical professionals.