新西兰金融管理局报告说,根据2004-2024年的分析,宣布前市场异常现象有所下降。 New Zealand's FMA reports a decline in pre-announcement market abnormality based on 2004-2024 analysis.
新西兰金融市场管理局发布了一份关于2004年至2024年股票市场清洁的报告。 The Financial Markets Authority (FMA) of New Zealand released a report on market cleanliness in the equity market from 2004 to 2024. 这项研究在公布前分析贸易行为,利用市场清洁统计和异常贸易量比率来查明潜在的信息渗漏或操纵。 The study analyzes trading behavior before announcements, using the Market Cleanliness Statistic (MCS) and Abnormal Trading Volume Ratio (ATVR) to identify potential information leakage or manipulation. 调查结果显示,宣布前异常现象在20年中呈下降趋势。 Findings indicate a downward trend in pre-announcement abnormality over 20 years. 金融管理局计划每半年进行一次审查,以确保市场的完整性和透明度。 The FMA plans biannual reviews to ensure market integrity and transparency.