前联邦部长R.C.P. Singh为2024年10月31日的比哈尔选举发起新的政党Aap Saabki Aawaz。 Former Union Minister R.C.P. Singh launches new political party, Aap Saabki Aawaz, for Bihar elections on October 31, 2024.
前联邦部长R.C.P. Former Union Minister R.C.P. 辛格宣布将于 2024 年 10 月 31 日成立他的新政党 Aap Saabki Aawaz,恰逢萨达尔·瓦拉巴伊·帕特尔 (Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel) 的诞辰纪念日和排灯节。 Singh has announced the launch of his new political party, Aap Saabki Aawaz, set for October 31, 2024, coinciding with Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel's birth anniversary and Diwali. Singh的目标是在比哈尔州和邻近州提供政治替代方案,在即将举行的比哈尔州选举中以243个议会席位中的140个为目标。 Singh aims to offer a political alternative in Bihar and neighboring states, targeting 140 of 243 assembly seats in the upcoming Bihar elections. 他批评现任政府处理禁止和教育问题的做法,标志着政治格局发生了重大变化。 He has criticized the current administration's handling of prohibition and education, marking a significant shift in the political landscape.