新西兰北帕尔默斯顿发生致命事故, 造成1人死亡、2人住院。 A fatal crash in Palmerston North, New Zealand, left one dead and two hospitalized early Friday.
新西兰北帕尔默斯顿的约翰肯尼迪车道发生致命坠毁事件, A fatal crash on John F Kennedy Drive in Palmerston North, New Zealand, occurred early Friday morning. 一人在现场死亡,另外两人住院治疗,一人伤势严重,另一人伤势严重。 One person died at the scene, while two others were hospitalized—one in critical condition and the other with serious injuries. 警方大约凌晨1点50分对事件作出反应,严重坠机事件股正在调查该事故的发生情况。 The police responded to the incident at approximately 1:50 AM, and the Serious Crash Unit is investigating the circumstances surrounding the accident.