在临床试验中,结合inavolisib,palbociclib和fulvestrant的三种药物治疗使得晚期乳腺癌无进展时间翻了一番. 3-drug therapy combining inavolisib, palbociclib, and fulvestrant doubles advanced breast cancer progression-free time in clinical trial.
一项临床试验表明, 结合inavolisib,palbociclib和fulvestrant的三种药物治疗, 可以使晚期乳腺癌患者的寿命在没有疾病进展的情况下翻倍. A clinical trial has shown that a three-drug therapy, combining inavolisib, palbociclib, and fulvestrant, can double the time patients with advanced breast cancer live without disease progression. 这项研究涉及28个国家的325名病人,显示疾病发病延迟了15个月,而安慰剂组为7.3个月。 The study, involving 325 patients across 28 countries, revealed a delay of 15 months in disease progression compared to 7.3 months for the placebo group. 虽然治疗尚未在联合王国获得批准,但经美国林业发展局批准。 While the treatment is not yet approved in the UK, it has been authorized by the U.S. FDA.