波士顿凯尔特人队在加时赛中以 135-132 输给了印第安纳步行者队,这是他们本赛季的第一个进球。Boston Celtics lost to Indiana Pacers 135-132 in overtime, their first of the season.
波士顿凯尔特人队遭遇了本赛季的首场失利,在加时赛中以 135-132 输给了印第安纳步行者队。The Boston Celtics suffered their first loss of the season, falling to the Indiana Pacers 135-132 in overtime.尽管凯尔特人队几乎卷土重来,但未能取得胜利,这标志着他们赛季的开局充满挑战。Despite a near-comeback, the Celtics were unable to secure the win, marking a challenging start to their campaign.