2024年Jennifer Aniston女演员支持Kamala Harris和Tim Walz,强调团结和关键问题。 Actress Jennifer Aniston endorsed Kamala Harris and Tim Walz for 2024, emphasizing unity and key issues.
女演员Jennifer Aniston通过Instagram张贴她的“我投票”标签, 认可副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯和明尼苏达州州长蒂姆·瓦尔兹参加2024年的总统选举。 Actress Jennifer Aniston endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz for the 2024 presidential election through an Instagram post, where she showcased her "I Voted" sticker. 她强调了获得医疗保健、生殖权利和经济公平等关键问题,敦促选民挑选促进团结的领导人。 She highlighted key issues such as healthcare access, reproductive rights, and economic fairness, urging voters to select leaders promoting unity. 阿尼斯顿批评J.D.的言论。 Aniston criticized remarks made by J.D. 关注无子女妇女,强调必须克服对民主的恐惧和威胁。 Vance about childless women, emphasizing the need to overcome fear and threats to democracy.