45岁的Yasin Saleem在格鲁吉亚被起诉,罪名是8万美元诈骗的 " 家庭储藏所 " 租房骗局。 45-year-old Yasin Saleem indicted in Georgia for $800K fraudulent Home Depot rental scam.
来自佐治亚州梅肯的 45 岁男子 Yasin Saleem 因涉嫌通过租赁骗局诈骗家得宝超过 800,000 美元而被起诉,罪名成立。 Yasin Saleem, a 45-year-old from Macon, Georgia, has been indicted on federal charges for allegedly defrauding Home Depot of over $800,000 through a rental scam. 据报告,他和他的同谋利用伪造的驾驶执照和欺诈性借记卡租用设备,但没有归还。 He and his co-conspirators reportedly used fake driver's licenses and fraudulent debit cards to rent equipment, which they failed to return. 他们为逃避发现而使租赁上的全球定位系统装置失灵,这突出表明了有组织犯罪零售犯罪这一日益严重的问题。 They disabled GPS devices on the rentals to evade detection, highlighting the growing issue of organized retail crime. Saleem因密谋和电线欺诈指控被传讯 Saleem has been arraigned on conspiracy and wire fraud charges.