3名嫌犯因绑架被捕,向菲律宾的美国公民Elliot Onil Eastman开枪;另外3名嫌犯被通缉。 3 suspects arrested for kidnapping, shooting American citizen Elliot Onil Eastman in the Philippines; 3 more suspects sought.
三名嫌犯因10月17日在菲律宾绑架美国公民Elliot Onil Eastman而被捕, Three suspects have been arrested in the Philippines for the October 17 kidnapping of American citizen Elliot Onil Eastman, who was shot in the leg during the abduction. 当局相信他还活着 正在寻找另外三名嫌犯 Authorities believe he is still alive and are searching for three additional suspects. 绑架者假扮警察,与犯罪集团有关联,而不是叛乱分子。 The kidnappers, posing as police officers, are associated with a criminal group, not insurgents. 提供500,000比索的奖励,以获取关于Eastman下落的信息。 A reward of P500,000 is offered for information about Eastman’s whereabouts.