Schneider电气公司获得7.29 SSI分,超过5 000万绿色能源目标,减少36%的二氧化碳。 Schneider Electric achieves 7.29 SSI score, exceeds 50m green energy goal, 36% CO2 reduction.
Schneider Electric公司报告说,其2024年第3季度的Schneider可持续性影响方案取得了重大进展,在10个中得分7.29分。 Schneider Electric reported significant progress in its Schneider Sustainability Impact (SSI) program for Q3 2024, achieving a score of 7.29 out of 10. 该公司超额实现了提前向5 000万人提供绿色能源的目标,并对763 000多人进行了能源管理培训。 The company exceeded its goal of providing green energy access to 50 million people ahead of schedule and trained over 763,000 individuals in energy management. 此外,Schneider的倡议导致其最大供应商的CO2实际排放量减少了36%。 Additionally, Schneider's initiatives led to a 36% reduction in operational CO2 emissions from its top suppliers. 该公司的目标是到2030年将绿色能源供应扩大到1亿。 The firm aims to expand green energy access to 100 million by 2030.