Rohde & Schwarz报告,2023/2024财政年度收入增长5.3%,增至2.93bn欧元,收货量增加22.77%。 Rohde & Schwarz reports a 5.3% revenue increase to €2.93bn and 22.77% rise in incoming orders for 2023/2024 fiscal year.
Rohde & Schwarz是一个领先的技术集团,结束了其2023/2024财政年度,收入增长了5.3%,达到29.3亿欧元,汇入订单增长了22.77%,达到38.7亿欧元。 Rohde & Schwarz, a leading technology group, concluded its 2023/2024 fiscal year with a 5.3% revenue increase to €2.93 billion and a 22.77% rise in incoming orders to €3.87 billion. 该公司侧重于其各司的连通和安全:测试和测量、技术系统、网络和网络安全。 The company focuses on connectivity and security across its divisions: Test & Measurement, Technology Systems, and Networks & Cybersecurity. 它将收入的15-20%投资于研发,加强了其创新领导,尽管预期会面临市场挑战,但仍准备继续增长。 It invests 15-20% of revenue in R&D, enhancing its innovation leadership, and is poised for continued growth despite anticipated market challenges.