在Penobscot县,3名男子因谋杀罪被捕;1名嫌疑人在逃。 3 men arrested for murder in Penobscot County; 1 suspect at large.
Penobscot县的三名男子因涉嫌谋杀27岁的Dylan Caruso而被捕,10月23日在埃克塞特发现了Dylan Caruso的尸体。 Three men from Penobscot County have been arrested in connection to the homicide of 27-year-old Dylan Caruso, whose body was found on October 23 in Exeter. Kenneth Creamer 35岁 被控谋杀 并且没有保释 Kenneth Creamer, 35, is charged with murder and held without bail. Dylan Belanger和Dylan Boyce共31人,因妨碍起诉而面临指控。 Dylan Belanger and Dylan Boyce, both 31, face charges for hindering prosecution. 第四名嫌疑人Holden Melvin,32岁,仍然在逃,当局正在寻找关于他下落的资料。 A fourth suspect, Holden Melvin, 32, is still at large, and authorities are seeking information on his whereabouts.