喀拉拉邦高等法院传唤联邦部长苏雷什·戈皮(Suresh Gopi),以解决选举腐败指控。 Kerala High Court summons Union Minister Suresh Gopi to address election corruption allegations.
喀拉拉邦高等法院已传唤联邦部长 Suresh Gopi 回应一项挑战他在 Thrissur Lok Sabha 选区当选的请愿书。 The Kerala High Court has summoned Union Minister Suresh Gopi to respond to a petition challenging his election from the Thrissur Lok Sabha constituency. 选民Binoy A.S.指控Gopi及其同伙从事腐败行径,包括滥用宗教标志和向选民提供金钱奖励。 Voter Binoy A.S. alleges Gopi and his associates engaged in corrupt practices, including the misuse of religious symbols and offering monetary incentives to voters. Gopi是唯一一位来自喀拉拉邦的BJP议员,他必须在11月22日前就请愿书中的申诉向法院作出答复。 Gopi, the sole BJP MP from Kerala, must reply to the court by November 22 regarding the claims made in the petition.