汉密尔顿警察逮捕了两名男子,包括一名帮派成员,因为他们拥有自制火器和大麻。 Hamilton police arrested two men, including a gang member, for possession of a homemade firearm and cannabis.
汉密尔顿警察逮捕了两名男子,包括一名帮派成员,在此之前,据报发生了涉及自制火器的骚乱。 Hamilton police arrested two men, including a gang member, following a report of a disorder involving a homemade firearm. 一名30岁的人被控非法持有22口径手枪和弹药,一名23岁的人被控拥有大麻。 A 30-year-old faces charges for unlawfully possessing a .22 caliber pistol and ammunition, while a 23-year-old is charged with cannabis possession. 警官还从其车辆中缉获了203克大麻。 Officers also seized 203 grams of cannabis from their vehicle. 警方强调自制火器的危险,并鼓励公开报告非法活动。 Police emphasized the dangers of homemade firearms and encouraged public reporting of illegal activities.