Dolphin营销公司与Loti AI合作,保护客户免受深层假象和未经授权内容的影响。 Dolphin marketing firm partners with Loti AI to protect clients from deepfakes and unauthorized content.
Dolphin是一家独立的娱乐营销公司,它与Loti AI合作,保护客户免受深层假象和未经授权内容传播的影响。 Dolphin, an independent entertainment marketing firm, has teamed up with Loti AI to protect its clients from deepfakes and unauthorized content distribution. 这一伙伴关系提供了使用Loti的人工智能工具的机会,加强了知识产权保护。 This partnership provides access to Loti's AI tools, enhancing intellectual property protection. 它标志着海豚加入AI, 目的是在娱乐和营销中创新。 It marks Dolphin's entry into AI, aiming to innovate within entertainment and marketing. Loti的技术每天扫描超过4.5亿张图像, 在应对网络威胁方面达到95%的成功率。 Loti's technology scans over 450 million images daily, achieving a 95% success rate in addressing online threats.