温尼伯(Winnipeg)通过在线调查和露天之家,在圣博尼法斯户外水生公园寻求公众投入。 Winnipeg seek public input on St. Boniface outdoor aquatic park through online survey and open house.
温尼伯市正在为圣博尼法斯的一个拟议户外水生公园收集社区投入。 The City of Winnipeg is gathering community input for a proposed outdoor aquatic park in St. Boniface. 12月4日之前,居民可通过在线调查参与,并于11月14日在Chamblain社区中心参加开放之家。 Residents can participate through an online survey until December 4 and attend an open house on November 14 at Champlain Community Centre. 市长Scott Gillingham和议员Matt Alllard强调公众反馈对塑造该项目的重要性。 Mayor Scott Gillingham and Councillor Matt Allard emphasize the importance of public feedback in shaping the project. 今年冬季晚些时候将向市议会提出首选地点和费用估计数。 A preferred location and cost estimate will be presented to the city council later this winter.