澳大利亚丰田公司将试验与BHP采矿的电 HILux,目标是到2025年大规模市场释放。 Toyota Australia to trial electric HiLux for mining with BHP, aiming for mass market release by 2025.
澳大利亚丰田公司将从11月开始在西澳大利亚州赫德兰港向BHP提供其全电HILux原型HILux BEV,为期12个月的试验。 Toyota Australia will provide its all-electric HiLux, the HiLux BEV prototype, to BHP for a 12-month trial starting in November at Port Hedland, Western Australia. 这一举措旨在评价该车辆在采矿环境和推进低排放技术方面的绩效。 This initiative aims to evaluate the vehicle's performance in mining environments and advance low-emission technologies. 在试验之后,丰田计划在2025年之前生产电动Hilux,以便在电气化的通用车辆部门竞争日益激烈的情况下,大规模市场放行。 Following the trial, Toyota plans to produce the electric HiLux for mass market release by 2025, amid increasing competition in the electrified utility vehicle sector.