Sean“Diddy”Combs面临新的法律指控:在纽约提起的诉讼案中,包括一名10岁男孩在内的两名未成年人受到性攻击。 Sean "Diddy" Combs faces new legal allegations of sexually assaulting two minors, including a 10-year-old boy, in lawsuits filed in New York.
Sean“Diddy”Combs面临新的法律指控:在纽约提起的诉讼案中,包括一名10岁男孩在内的两名未成年人受到性攻击。 Sean "Diddy" Combs faces new legal allegations of sexually assaulting two minors, including a 10-year-old boy, in lawsuits filed in New York. 指控涉及指控在2005年试镜期间对男孩下药并强迫其实施性行为。 The accusations involve claims of drugging and coercing the boy into performing sexual acts during a 2005 audition. 原告因性别暴力寻求损害赔偿。 The plaintiffs seek damages for gender-motivated violence. Diddy的法律团队否认这些指控,称其为旨在引起媒体注意的宣传手段。 Diddy's legal team denies the allegations, calling them a publicity stunt aimed at gaining media attention.