Romgaz报告说,煤气产量增加了4.4%,在2024年前9个月增加了3.67B立方米。 Romgaz reports 4.4% increase in gas output, 3.67B cubic meters in first 9 months of 2024.
罗马尼亚最大的天然气生产国Romgaz报告说,2024年头九个月的天然气产量增加了4.4%,从2023年的35.1亿立方米提取了36.7亿立方米。 Romgaz, Romania's largest natural gas producer, reported a 4.4% increase in gas output for the first nine months of 2024, extracting 3.67 billion cubic meters compared to 3.51 billion in 2023. 该公司为冬季做好了充分准备,完成了必要的维修和更新。 The company is fully prepared for winter, having completed necessary repairs and updates. 此外,电力产量上升了13.7%,罗姆加兹预计将在振兴该国石油化工业方面发挥关键作用。 Additionally, electricity production rose by 13.7%, and Romgaz is expected to play a key role in revitalizing the country's petrochemical industry.