10 月 30 日,密苏里州和堪萨斯州庆祝“系好安全带 (BUPD) 日”,推广使用安全带并尽量减少分心,以减少交通死亡人数。 On October 30, Missouri and Kansas observe "Buckle Up Phone Down (BUPD) Day," promoting seat belt use and minimizing distractions to reduce traffic fatalities.
10 月 30 日,密苏里州和堪萨斯州将庆祝“系好安全带 (BUPD) 日”,该倡议旨在通过推广安全带的使用和最大限度地减少手机等干扰来减少交通死亡人数。 On October 30, Missouri and Kansas will observe "Buckle Up Phone Down (BUPD) Day," an initiative aimed at reducing traffic fatalities by promoting seat belt use and minimizing distractions like cell phones. 在密苏里州,在2023年发生的车祸中,有63%的车辆乘客没有带安全带,而堪萨斯州报告了387起交通死亡,其中134起涉及没有带安全带的人. In Missouri, 63% of vehicle occupants killed in crashes were unbelted in 2023, while Kansas reported 387 traffic deaths, with 134 involving unrestrained individuals. 两国都鼓励社群媒体使用#BUPD和#BUPDDay标签参与。 Both states encourage participation through social media using hashtags #BUPD and #BUPDDay.