美国科罗拉多州帕戈萨斯普林斯的一级谋杀案的父亲和儿子被捕; 嫌疑人被关押在阿丘莱塔县拘留中心. Father and son arrested for first-degree murder of mother in Pagosa Springs, CO; suspects held in Archuleta County Detention Center.
43岁的Charles Christopher Martinez和17岁的Hevon Martinez因2024年7月2日在科罗拉多的Pagosa Springs一级谋杀Hevon的母亲Chrystal Snow被捕。 A father and son, Charles Christopher Martinez, 43, and Hevon Martinez, 17, were arrested in Pagosa Springs, Colorado, for the first-degree murder of Hevon's mother, Chrystal Snow, on July 2, 2024. Snow在她的电话打911电话后被枪杀。 Snow was found shot to death after a 911 call from her phone. Hevon已经因单独指控而被拘留,将作为一个成年人审判。 Hevon, already in custody for separate charges, will be tried as an adult. 两名嫌疑人都关押在Archuleta县拘留中心,调查仍在进行中。 Both suspects are being held in Archuleta County Detention Center, with the investigation ongoing.