中国国家主席习近平祝柬埔寨国王诺罗多姆西哈莫尼登基20周年,赞扬他在促进和平方面发挥的作用,并赞扬中柬合作. Chinese President Xi Jinping congratulated Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni on his 20th enthronement anniversary, commending his role in promoting peace and praising China-Cambodia cooperation.
中国国家主席习近平祝柬埔寨国王诺罗多姆·西哈莫尼登基20周年,赞扬他在促进柬埔寨和平,稳定和发展方面的作用. Chinese President Xi Jinping congratulated Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni on his 20th enthronement anniversary, commending his role in promoting peace, stability, and development in Cambodia. Xi强调了在“钻石六边贡”合作框架、“工业发展走廊”和“渔业和稻米走廊”方面取得的进展。 Xi highlighted advancements in the "Diamond Hexagon" cooperation framework, the "Industrial Development Corridor," and the "Fish and Rice Corridor." 他重申中国承诺加强双边关系,促进两国共同的未来。 He reaffirmed China's commitment to strengthening bilateral relations and fostering a shared future between the two nations.