辛辛那提大主教区计划到2025年结束与女童子军在性和性别方面道德分歧的关系。 Archdiocese of Cincinnati plans to end ties with Girl Scouts by 2025 over moral disagreements related to sexuality and gender.
辛辛那提大主教区计划到2025年底切断与美国女童子军和西俄亥俄州女童子军的联系,原因是在性和性别问题上存在道德分歧。 The Archdiocese of Cincinnati plans to sever ties with the Girl Scouts of the USA and Girl Scouts of Western Ohio by the end of 2025 due to moral disagreements over issues related to sexuality and gender. Dennis Schnurr大主教指出,该组织的价值观与天主教教义相冲突。 Archbishop Dennis Schnurr stated that the organization’s values conflict with Catholic teachings. 到2025年,天主教校园的女童子军必须转向美国传统女孩,迁移或解散,大主教区将停止促进女童子军的活动。 By 2025, Girl Scout troops on Catholic campuses must switch to American Heritage Girls, relocate, or disband, and the archdiocese will cease promoting Girl Scouts activities.