Adele在拉斯维加斯音乐会期间 拥抱了Celine Dion 表示钦佩 Adele emotionally hugs Celine Dion during her Las Vegas concert, expressing admiration.
在她的拉斯维加斯演唱会上 Adele在表演《我们年轻时》时 在观众中发现Celine Dion时 变得情绪化了 During her Las Vegas concert at The Colosseum, Adele became emotional upon spotting Celine Dion in the audience while performing "When We Were Young." 两位歌手衷心地拥抱,双眼都热泪盈眶,阿黛尔称赞迪翁是“她最喜欢的人之一”。 The two singers shared a heartfelt hug, bringing tears to both their eyes, and Adele praised Dion as "one of her favorite people." 这个感人的时刻在视频中拍摄并广为分享, 突显了他们对彼此的深切钦佩。 This touching moment, captured on video and widely shared, highlighted their deep admiration for each other. Adele的居留期于11月23日结束。 Adele's residency concludes on November 23.