澳大利亚的12岁和14岁少年因向骑自行车的人吐口水,然后抢夺摩托车而被调查。 12 and 14-year-olds in Australia investigated for spitting on a cyclist, then seizing their motorbikes.
在10月23日发生的一起事件之后,两名12和14岁的男孩在澳大利亚受到调查。 据称,在一名女骑自行车者因鲁莽骑马而要求他们离开Fernleigh Track之后,他们向她吐口水。 Two boys, aged 12 and 14, are under investigation in Australia following an incident on October 23 where they allegedly spat on a female cyclist after she asked them to leave the Fernleigh Track due to their reckless riding. 第二天,警察开始调查,导致一次突袭,查封了两辆摩托车进行法医分析。 The following day, police began an investigation, leading to a raid that seized two motorbikes for forensic analysis. 这些男孩是根据《青少年罪犯法》处理的,对相关摩托车犯罪的调查仍在继续。 The boys were addressed under the Young Offenders Act, and inquiries into related motorbike offenses continue.