18岁的Jeremiah Biel因涉嫌在越南退伍军人纪念公园纵火而被捕,造成7 000美元以下的破坏和火灾未遂。 18-year-old Jeremiah Biel arrested for suspected arson at Vietnam Veterans Memorial Park, causing ~$7,000 damage and attempted fires found.
18岁的Jeremiah Biel因据称在越南退伍军人纪念公园纵火,造成约7 000美元的损失而被两河警察逮捕。 Eighteen-year-old Jeremiah Biel was arrested by Two Rivers Police for allegedly setting a dugout on fire at Vietnam Veterans Memorial Park, causing around $7,000 in damages. 10月27日报道的火灾由消防员控制。 The fire, reported on October 27, was contained by firefighters. 调查员还在公园发现了另外两起起起火事件。 Investigators also found two other fire-starting attempts in the park. Biel面临潜在的重罪纵火和保释跳跃指控,细节尚未提交法院。 Biel faces potential felony arson and bail jumping charges, with details yet to be filed in court. 当局寻求公共援助以获取更多信息。 Authorities seek public assistance for more information.