2023 年 10 月 19 日,39 岁的小乔治·李 (George Lee Jr.) 在被伊丽莎白镇警察中尉亚历克斯·鲁伊斯 (Alex Ruiz) 开枪之前威胁了浸信会健康哈丁医院的工作人员和患者。 39-year-old George Lee Jr. threatened staff and patients at Baptist Health Hardin Hospital on October 19, 2023, before being shot by Elizabethtown Police Lt. Alex Ruiz.
2023年10月19日,39岁的George Lee Jr. 在肯塔基州Elizabethtown的浸礼会健康Hardin医院用手枪射击,威胁工作人员和病人。 On October 19, 2023, George Lee Jr., 39, fired a handgun inside Baptist Health Hardin Hospital in Elizabethtown, Kentucky, threatening staff and patients. Elizabethtown警察Alex Ruiz中尉在对峙中枪杀了Lee。 Elizabethtown Police Lt. Alex Ruiz shot Lee during the confrontation. Lee被空运到路易斯维尔大学医院,目前情况危急但稳定。 Lee was airlifted to the University of Louisville Hospital and is in critical but stable condition. 在肯塔基州警方调查这一事件时,Ruiz中校被安排了行政假。 Lt. Ruiz has been placed on administrative leave as the Kentucky State Police investigate the incident.