根据 Delia Balmer 的经历改编的犯罪剧《Until I Kill You》将于 11 月 3 日晚上 9 点在 ITV 首播。 "Until I Kill You" crime drama, based on Delia Balmer's experiences, premieres on ITV November 3 at 9 PM.
依据Delia Balmer对杀人凶手John Sweeney的经验, 一部真正的犯罪剧《直到我杀了你为止》将于11月3日下午9点在ITV上首映。 "Until I Kill You," a true crime drama based on Delia Balmer's experiences with murderer John Sweeney, will premiere on ITV on November 3 at 9 PM. 这部四集的剧集由安娜·麦克斯韦尔·马丁 (Anna Maxwell Martin) 饰演巴尔默 (Balmer) 和肖恩·埃文斯 (Shaun Evans) 饰演斯威尼 (Sweeney),讲述了巴尔默在一次近乎致命的袭击中幸存下来的经历. Starring Anna Maxwell Martin as Balmer and Shaun Evans as Sweeney, the four-episode series chronicles Balmer's survival of a near-fatal attack. 该系列在新西兰、荷兰和加拿大播出,但美国尚未公布公布日期。 The series has aired in New Zealand, Holland, and Canada, but a U.S. release date is not yet available. 所有剧本都将作为 ITVX 上的一个盒子提供。 All episodes will be offered as a box set on ITVX.