图尔萨的可疑道路暴怒事件导致高速坠毁,司机重伤。 Suspected road rage incident in Tulsa leads to high-speed crash, critically injuring driver.
周日在塔尔萨发生的一起疑似路怒事件导致一起涉及红色雪佛兰 Impala 的高速车祸。 A suspected road rage incident in Tulsa on Sunday led to a high-speed crash involving a red Chevrolet Impala. 这辆行驶90英里以上的汽车与一棵树相撞,使司机严重受伤,一名女乘客受轻伤。 The vehicle, traveling over 90 mph, collided with a tree, critically injuring the driver and causing minor injuries to a female passenger. 两人都被带到医院。 Both were taken to the hospital. 所涉另一辆车最初逃离现场,但后来返回。 The other vehicle involved initially fled the scene but returned later. Tulsa消防局于上午11时左右作出反应,帮助受伤者。 The Tulsa Fire Department responded around 11 a.m. to assist those injured.