CPC高级成员王正访问了吉尔吉斯斯坦,讨论了加强双边关系和与吉尔吉斯党领导人的合作的问题。 Senior CPC member Wang Cheng visited Kyrgyzstan, discussing enhanced bilateral relations and cooperation with Kyrgyz party leaders.
中国共产党高级党员王成应吉尔吉斯议会的邀请,于10月27日至29日访问了吉尔吉斯斯坦。 Wang Cheng, a senior member of the Communist Party of China, visited Kyrgyzstan from October 27-29 at the invitation of the Kyrgyz parliament. 他会见了阿塔-祖尔特党和吉尔吉斯斯坦共产党领导人,讨论加强双边关系与合作的问题。 He met with leaders from the Ata-Zhurt party and the Communist Party of Kyrgyzstan to discuss enhancing bilateral relations and cooperation. 双方强调,必须加强政党之间和地方之间的协作,以确保其全面战略伙伴关系的稳定和长期发展。 Both sides emphasized the need for stronger inter-party and local collaboration to ensure the stability and long-term development of their comprehensive strategic partnership.