沙特阿拉伯开设了Sindalah,这是一个豪华度假胜地,首次展示了近地天体监测项目,目的是实现经济多样化,加强旅游业。 Saudi Arabia opens Sindalah, a luxury resort and first showcase of NEOM project, aiming to diversify economy and enhance tourism.
沙特阿拉伯启用了Sindalah,这是一个豪华岛屿度假胜地,也是位于红海西北海岸5公里外的近地天体监测项目的第一个展示。 Saudi Arabia has inaugurated Sindalah, a luxury island resort and the first showcase of the NEOM project, located 5 kilometers off the northwest coast in the Red Sea. 设计到2028年每天吸引2400名客人, 辛达拉拥有世界级的餐饮, 酒店和86个码头, 创造约3500个就业机会. Designed to attract up to 2,400 guests daily by 2028, Sindalah features world-class dining, hotels, and an 86-berth marina, creating around 3,500 jobs. 这一发展与沙特《2030年远景规划》相一致,其目的是实现经济多样化,加强该国的旅游部门。 This development aligns with Saudi Vision 2030, aiming to diversify the economy and enhance the country's tourism sector.