爱尔兰警告不要因眼睛感染和失明风险而使用非法的表面隐形眼镜。 Optometry Ireland warns against using illegal cosmetic contact lenses due to eye infection and blindness risks.
爱尔兰警告不要在万圣节使用非法的化妆眼镜隐形眼镜,并列举了包括眼睛感染和潜在失明在内的重大风险。 Optometry Ireland warns against using illegal cosmetic contact lenses for Halloween, citing significant risks including eye infections and potential blindness. 这些透镜经常在网上或弹出式商店出售,是用难以清洁的材料制成的,因此并发症增加。 These lenses, often sold online or at pop-up shops, are made from hard-to-clean materials, increasing complications. 本组织敦促公众避免使用这些镜片,并向卫生监管机构CORU报告销售者。 The organization urges the public to avoid these lenses and report sellers to the health regulator CORU. 适当的隐形眼镜安装只能由像验光师这样的合格专业人员进行。 Proper contact lens fitting should be done only by qualified professionals like optometrists.