微软指责谷歌在欧洲的云计算业务中“astroturf 游说”。 Microsoft accuses Google of "astroturf lobbying" in its cloud computing business in Europe.
微软指控Google参与“astroturf游说”活动, 破坏欧洲的云计算业务。 Microsoft has accused Google of engaging in "astroturf lobbying" to undermine its cloud computing business in Europe. 微软声称谷歌正在资助一个联盟,即开放云联盟,以误导监管者,同时掩盖其参与。 Microsoft claims Google is funding a coalition, the Open Cloud Coalition, to mislead regulators while disguising its involvement. 微软公司对谷歌游说活动可能造成的不公平做法表示关切。 This conflict intensifies as both companies compete for dominance in the cloud market, with Microsoft raising concerns over potential unfair practices stemming from Google's lobbying efforts. Google没有直接处理这些指控。 Google has not directly addressed these allegations.