新西兰400个kiwifruit种植者聚集一堂,纪念行业里程碑,预计2025年将创下创纪录的作物。 400 kiwifruit growers in NZ gather to mark industry milestones, anticipate a record-breaking 2025 crop.
新西兰400多名kiwifruit种植者聚集在Maunganui山,纪念重要的里程碑:《Kiwifruit工业重组法》25周年、新西兰Kiwifruit种植者公司30周年和单一服务台结构35周年。 Over 400 kiwifruit growers in New Zealand gathered in Mount Maunganui to commemorate key milestones: the 25th anniversary of the Kiwifruit Industry Restructuring Act, the 30th anniversary of New Zealand Kiwifruit Growers Inc., and the 35th anniversary of the Single Desk structure. NZKGI主席Mark Mayston强调团结和集体努力是该行业成功的关键,预计2025年破纪录的作物将超过出口2亿托盘。 NZKGI Chairman Mark Mayston emphasized unity and collective effort as vital to the industry’s success, anticipating a record-breaking 2025 crop surpassing 200 million trays in exports.