ABC 新闻澳大利亚周一经历了 8 分钟的广播中断,切换到横向图像。 ABC News Australia experienced an 8-minute broadcast disruption on Monday, switching to a landscape image.
澳大利亚的ABC新闻周一经历了意外的八分钟的广播中断, 由于节目转换为景观图像, 引起观众的困惑. ABC News in Australia experienced an unexpected eight-minute broadcast disruption on Monday, causing confusion among viewers as the feed switched to a landscape image. 中断时间大约在上午11时25分左右,当恢复广播时,天气报告即将结束。 The interruption occurred around 11:25 AM, and when the broadcast resumed, a weather report was concluding. Gemma Veness主机为此事道歉, 网络将此事归结为「工作室与演示服务间的联系中断简讯」。 Host Gemma Veness apologized for the issue, which the network attributed to a "brief interruption in the connection between our studios and presentation service."