29岁的马来西亚药剂师Kum Chuan Leong在墨尔本被谋杀,嫌疑人Simon Hunter被捕并被指控。 29-year-old Malaysian pharmacist Kum Chuan Leong murdered in Melbourne, suspect Simon Hunter arrested and charged.
Kum Chuan Leong, 29岁的马来西亚药剂师, 于10月23日在墨尔本公寓被谋杀。 Kum Chuan Leong, a 29-year-old Malaysian pharmacist, was found murdered in his Melbourne apartment on October 23. 据报患有精神分裂症的54岁的Simon Hunter被逮捕并被指控犯有这一罪行。 Simon Hunter, 54, who reportedly suffers from schizophrenia, has been arrested and charged with the crime. Leong自2021年以来受雇于东部卫生,因其领导才能和社区贡献而荣耀。 Leong, employed at Eastern Health since 2021, was honored for his leadership and community contributions. 他的家人从马来西亚来讨论此案,而亨特仍被拘留,法庭定于1月16日开庭审理。 His family has arrived from Malaysia to discuss the case, while Hunter remains in custody, with a court hearing set for January 16.