在密歇根州Climax被发现死亡的女警和女狗;在正在进行的杀人案调查中被捕的嫌疑人。 Woman and dog found dead in Climax, Michigan; suspect arrested in ongoing homicide investigation.
10 月 26 日,在密歇根州 Climax 发现了一具妇女的尸体和她的狗,这促使卡拉马祖县治安官办公室进行了凶杀案调查。 A woman's body and her dog were found in Climax, Michigan, on October 26, prompting a homicide investigation by the Kalamazoo County Sheriff's Office. 一名嫌疑人在现场被捕并被拘留,没有关于公众受到威胁的报告。 A suspect was arrested at the scene and is in custody, with no threat to the public reported. 受害人和嫌疑人的身份仍未披露。 The identities of both the victim and the suspect remain undisclosed. 当局正在敦促任何有情报的人 联系警长办公室或沉默观察者 Authorities are urging anyone with information to reach out to the Sheriff's Office or Silent Observer.