英国在印刷品和网上的死亡通知包括致敬细节、丧葬安排和捐款优惠。 UK death notices in print and online include tribute details, funeral arrangements, and donation preferences.
这篇文章总结了英国各个地区最近的死亡通知,强调了这些悼念的在线和印刷可用性。 The article summarizes recent death notices across various UK regions, highlighting the online and print availability of these tributes. 值得一提的有86岁的Gudrun Edwards和72岁的Moira Elizabeth Parrker。 Notable mentions include Gudrun Edwards, who passed away at 86, and Moira Elizabeth Parrker, aged 72. 每份通知通常包括葬礼细节、捐赠喜好和鼓励致哀信息。 Each notice typically includes funeral details, donation preferences, and encourages messages of condolence. 这些通知作为永久纪念碑,可供公众使用,以纪念和支持悲痛的家庭。 The notices serve as lasting memorials, accessible to the public for remembrance and support for grieving families.