2024年是西方数字公司前景光明的一年,资金雄厚,高盛价格目标提高。 2024 promising year for Western Digital, supported by strong finances and Goldman Sachs price target increase.
西方数字公司(WDC)被强调为2024年有前景的股票,得到强劲的财政业绩的支持,其人力资本开发司的毛利润创下记录。 Western Digital Corporation (WDC) is highlighted as a promising stock for 2024, supported by strong fiscal performance and record gross margins in its HDD division. 高盛公司在保持中立评级的同时,将其价格目标从72美元提高到81美元。 Goldman Sachs raised its price target from $72 to $81 while maintaining a Neutral rating. 尽管消费市场的需求减缓,但该公司的数据中心部分已准备增长。 The company is poised for growth in its Data Center segment, despite slower demand in consumer markets. 截至第二季度,80家对冲基金在WDC拥有重要的股权,总额近406亿美元. As of Q2, 80 hedge funds had significant stakes in WDC, totaling nearly $4.06 billion.