印度的国防出口自2014-15年以来增加了三倍,达到1.27亿卢比,其中最大的客户是美国、法国和亚美尼亚。 India's defense exports tripled to Rs 1.27 lakh crores since 2014-15, with top customers U.S., France, and Armenia.
印度的国防出口激增,美国、法国和亚美尼亚是最大的客户。 India's defense exports have surged, with the U.S., France, and Armenia as the top customers. 2014-15年以来,生产价值增长了三倍,达到1.27亿卢比,由私营部门捐款的21%驱动。 Since 2014-15, production value has tripled, reaching Rs 1.27 lakh crores, driven by private sector contributions of 21%. 向美国的出口包括洛克希德·马丁等公司的飞机零部件,而法国则接受软件和电子产品。 Exports to the U.S. include aircraft parts for companies like Lockheed Martin, while France receives software and electronics. 亚美尼亚购买火炮和火箭系统。 Armenia purchases artillery and rocket systems. 印度的目标是加强国内国防生产,以满足全球需求。 India aims to enhance domestic defense production to meet global demand.