德里警方逮捕了Ravi Mathur, 罪名是在Palika市场非法出售中国移动干扰器。 Delhi Police arrested Ravi Mathur for selling illegal Chinese mobile jammers at Palika Market.
德里警方逮捕店主Ravi Mathur(Ravi Mathur), 罪名是在Palika市场非法出售中国移动干扰器, Delhi Police arrested shop owner Ravi Mathur for selling illegal Chinese mobile jammers at Palika Market, capable of disrupting signals within 50 meters. 这违反了印度限制授权机构使用干扰器的条例。 This violates Indian regulations that restrict jammer usage to authorized agencies. 警察在Diwali节之前进行搜查,加强安全措施,敦促公众报告可疑物品,以加强节日期间的安全。 The police are conducting searches and increasing security measures ahead of the Diwali festival, urging the public to report suspicious items to enhance safety during the festive season.