Cumbria警察联合会报告说,警察短缺,每10万居民中有275名警察,低于英格兰和威尔士的平均水平。 Cumbria Police Federation reports a police officer shortage at 275 officers per 100,000 residents, below the England and Wales average.
Cumbria警察联合会强调指出,该区域缺少警官,每10万居民有275名警官,低于英格兰和威尔士平均200名警察。 Cumbria Police Federation highlights a shortage of police officers in the region, with 275 officers per 100,000 residents, below the England and Wales average of 200. Ed Russell主席指出,人口增长和技术进步的需求增加。 Chair Ed Russell notes increased demand from population growth and technological advancements. 自 2010 年以来,警官人数有所下降,拉塞尔批评了政府之前的提升举措。 The number of officers has declined since 2010, and Russell criticizes the government's previous uplift initiative. 内政部声称,它将另外提供数千名社区和社区支助官员来解决这一问题。 The Home Office asserts it will provide thousands of additional neighborhood and community support officers to address the issue.