乡村歌手兰迪·特拉维斯 (Randy Travis) 于 10 月 26 日出现在夏洛特的卡罗来纳州音乐会上,为飓风海伦 (Hurricane Helene) 后的飓风救援筹集了 $24M。 Country singer Randy Travis appeared at Concert for Carolina on Oct 26 in Charlotte, raising $24M for hurricane relief after Hurricane Helene.
美国著名乡村歌手兰迪·特拉维斯 (Randy Travis) 在10月26日在北卡罗来纳州夏洛特举行的卡罗来纳音乐会上出场. Randy Travis, the renowned country singer, made a surprise appearance at the Concert for Carolina on October 26 in Charlotte, North Carolina. 这场在美国银行体育场举行的慈善音乐会,为海伦风后的救援提供了支持. The benefit concert, held at Bank of America Stadium, supported hurricane relief after Hurricane Helene. 该活动由 Luke Combs 和 Sheryl Crow 等明星主演,筹集了超过 2400 万美元,吸引了超过 83,000 名参与者。 Featuring stars like Luke Combs and Sheryl Crow, the event raised over $24 million and attracted more than 83,000 attendees. Travis的妻子Mary陪同他,她鼓励为受影响者祈祷。 Travis was accompanied by his wife, Mary, who encouraged prayers for those affected.