41 岁的 Dhamanie Hibbert 寻求谋杀;签发逮捕令,9 月 1 日多伦多枪击 Triston McNally 的第二名嫌疑人。 41-year-old Dhamanie Hibbert sought for murder; warrant issued, second suspect in Toronto shooting of Triston McNally on September 1.
多伦多当局正在寻找41岁的Dhamanie Hibbert, 成为37岁的Triston McNally一级谋杀案的第二名嫌犯, Toronto authorities are searching for Dhamanie Hibbert, 41, as a second suspect in the first-degree murder of 37-year-old Triston McNally, who was shot on September 1 near an after-hours club. McNally后来在医院被宣布死亡。 McNally was later pronounced dead at the hospital. Stacey Downey, 36岁,已经因该案被捕并被指控。 Stacey Downey, 36, has already been arrested and charged in connection to the case. 加拿大范围内已发出对希伯特的逮捕令,警方正在寻求公众协助提供信息。 A Canada-wide warrant for Hibbert's arrest has been issued, and police seek public assistance with information.