49岁的David Steptoe因在威斯康星州交付芬太尼被判处32年徒刑,2021年造成过量致死。 49-year-old David Steptoe sentenced to 32 years for delivering fentanyl in Wisconsin, causing a fatal overdose in 2021.
49岁的David Steptoe 来自威斯康星州Janesville, 被判处32年监禁,包括22年监禁和10年长期监管。 David Steptoe, 49, from Janesville, Wisconsin, has been sentenced to 32 years in state prison, comprising 22 years of confinement and 10 years of extended supervision. 他被判犯有一级鲁莽杀人罪 罪名是提供芬太尼 在2021年造成41岁男子吸毒过量死亡 He was convicted of first-degree reckless homicide for delivering fentanyl that caused a 41-year-old man's overdose death in 2021. 在他于2023年1月被捕期间,当局还发现了他持有的可卡因和芬太尼。 During his arrest in January 2023, authorities also discovered cocaine and fentanyl in his possession.