37岁的Brandon Starkey被控在奥尔巴尼州和拉拉米州多次盗窃和拥有受管制物质。 37-year-old Brandon Starkey charged with multiple burglaries and possession of controlled substances in Albany and Laramie counties.
Brandon Starkey 37岁 来自Cheyenne 与奥尔巴尼州和拉莱米州的十几起盗窃案有关 Brandon Starkey, 37, from Cheyenne, has been linked to over a dozen burglaries in Albany and Laramie counties. 最初,他因不相关的逮捕令被捕,后来被指控犯有9项入室盗窃罪和3项拥有受管制物质罪。 Initially arrested on an unrelated warrant, he was later charged with nine counts of burglary and three counts of possession of a controlled substance. 调查人员在安保摄像镜头的协助下,追回了价值超过10 000美元的被盗财产,包括工具、自行车、手枪和铺路机。 Investigators recovered stolen property worth over $10,000, including tools, a bicycle, a handgun, and a paving machine, aided by security camera footage.