39岁的男子因路上致命碰撞而被捕, 造成三周大的孩子死亡; 调查正在进行中. 39-year-old arrested after fatal road collision kills three-week-old; investigation ongoing.
一名39岁的男子在一次致命的公路碰撞中被捕,这次事故造成一名三周大的婴儿死亡。 A 39-year-old man has been arrested following a fatal road collision that resulted in the death of a three-week-old baby. 最近发生的这一事件正在调查之中,当局正在调查坠机事件的相关情况。 The incident, which occurred recently, is under investigation, with authorities looking into the circumstances surrounding the crash. 关于碰撞原因或潜在收费的进一步细节尚未披露。 Further details about the cause of the collision or potential charges have not yet been disclosed.